We are your allies


We provide you with high quality information in the minimum time possible. With DIGITAL TWINS you can plan predictive maintenance programs, predict possible future scenarios and achieve significant time and cost savings.

What is a digital twin?

It is the virtual representation of a physical object or a process; it is an exact copy of your facilities and operations.

A digital twin besides containing the main properties of the elements such as areas, volumes, materials, efficiency and trajectories can also be connected to different database sources, sensors and reporting systems in real time.

With organized 3D information under the BIM methodology (Building Information Modeling) you can achieve simulations to predict scenarios, behaviors and improve the maintenance planning, significantly decreasing time and operating costs.


Our solutions

BIM Strategic Consulting

We provide you with high-impact solutions decreasing time and costs, improving the Return Investment (ROI), being with you in all the technology adaptation process.

Scanning and digitization of infrastructures

We scan and model your facilities with high quality in the minimum amount of time possible with last generation equipment.

Maintenance and interpretation

We keep the information of your digital twins safe and we update it when any physical change is made.


We provide virtual reality environments for your operation, collaboration with third parties and commercialization.

Are you ready to take your projects to the next level?


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Experience in your sector

  • The entire existing area was scanned and modeled. This is the perfect base to make important decisions in the improvement of the property. Designers and developers use the same BIM model for all the works (Architecture, MEP).

  • The existing building in the Claraspital Area in Basel is going to be replaced for a new 4-floor building. A complete BIM model of the adjacent areas was developed. More than 2,500 scans were taken, translated to cloud points and a BIM Model was created. Beside the architecture model, also all the installations (MEP) were modeled, including special systems such as Gases, pneumatic tubes, etc.

  • Se generaro un visualizador 3D (Google Street View) y se modelaron todos los sistemas y subsistemas operativos como tuberías, tanques, estructuras, etc.

  • Se escanearon las 60 tiendas con un equipo de alta precisión ya que el mobiliario debía encajar desde lo dictado por los planos y se obtuvo el visualizador 3D y los modelos necesarios para la reconversión.

  • Se midió el stock completo (BrownField) de las millas Migros y se modeló un diseño BIM, a partir de escaneos, que tuvieron una serie de grandes beneficios.

  • Se desarrolló las partes adyacentes del edifi- cio completamente como un modelo BIM. Además del modelo arquitectónico, también se modeló la tecnología de construcción completa.

  • Se generaro un visualizador 3D (Google Street View) y se modelaron todos los sistemas y subsistemas operativos como tuberías, tanques, estructuras, etc.

  • Se escanearon las 60 tiendas con un equipo de alta precisión ya que el mobiliario debía encajar desde lo dictado por los planos y se obtuvo el visualizador 3D y los modelos necesarios para la reconversión.

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